We are delighted to announce this year’s Advanced Diploma in NDP. The Advanced Diploma is open to people who have completed the basic NDP Diploma and wish to deepen their understanding and extend their skills.
Course Requirements
These are as follows:
5 Taught ‘Live’ Modules - see below for details of these. These modules are paid for individually via Eventbrite.
Lead two NDP workshops with colleagues or friends: take pictures and write a 300 word report, and send together with feedback from participants.
Create an NDP ‘map’ to explain to teenagers the healing power of theatre.
Complete a case study of NDP application with a child/children/adults/elderly, based on at least 10 sessions of practice (2000 words, illustrated). This forms a 6th Module which includes 4 sessions of group supervision (this is NDP supervision which differs from other forms of supervision), and tutorials when requested. The fee for this final element is £100 (no booking fee).
Each taught live course module can be booked via Eventbrite (see below) and costs £80 (plus Eventbrite’s fee).
Dr Sue Jennings will lead the modules along with the following visiting tutors:
Brigid Rees, Andy Hickson, Clive Holmwood, and Rowan Mackenzie.
Advanced Course Modules
neuro-dramatic-play and dementia
With dr clive holmwood
Saturday 2 March at 1600-1900 & Sunday 3 March at 1600-1900 (UK time)
neuro-dramatic-play in forensic settings
With dr rowan mackenzie
Saturday 20 April at 1400-1700 & Sunday 21 April at 1400-1700 (UK time)
art therapy and trauma
With bridget rees
Saturday 27 April at 1400-1700 & Sunday 28 April at 1400-1700 (UK time)
social theatre: theatre for change
With dr andy hickson
Saturday 4 May at 1400-1700 (UK time)
childhood and identity: understanding ‘gaslighting’
With dr sue jennings
Saturday 7 July at 1400-1700 & Sunday 8 July at 1400-1700 (UK time)