Our Live Online Training Opportunities

Please scroll down to see our forthcoming live online training opportunities.
Click on the buttons below to learn more and book.
NB Booking for some of our courses is managed through EventBrite, for which booking fees may be applied.

We also occasionally list courses that are presented by Dr Sue Jennings but are run by third-party providers. Booking for these courses may be through the provider concerned.

A NEW ‘Whistlestop’ Study Course in NDP

A crucial and unique course that demonstrates how
Neuro-Dramatic-Play can be a valuable tool in working with
neurodiverse children and young people

This 2-hour course takes place at the following times:
Monday 9 December at 1800-2000 (UK time)
OR Wednesday 11 December at 1200-1400 (UK time)
OR Friday 13 December at 0900-1100 (UK time)

Only £45 (including Eventbrite fee)