Welcome to the Tribe of Neuro-Dramatic-Play!

The Live Online Diploma in Neuro-Dramatic-Play

We are now taking applications for the Spring and Autumn 2025 semesters of our LIVE Online Diploma in Neuro-Dramatic-Play

More information on the course requirements, structure, and fee can be found HERE.

If you’re new to the concept of Neuro-Dramatic-Play, then please continue reading below to find out more and then explore our website to discover our online training programmes.


What is Neuro-Dramatic-Play?

Neuro-Dramatic-Play® is the essential play development of all children: it includes the play stages of Sensory Play, Messy Play, Rhythmic Play and Dramatic Play.

Children need to play messily before they can create form.
Their play may seem chaotic but will eventually lead to order.

Neuro-Dramatic-Play® was originated and developed by innovative international arts practitioner Dr Sue Jennings since 1998. It is an attachment-based intervention that focuses on the early playful relationship between ‘mother and unborn child - mother and newborn child’. Through play and drama, it emphasises a combination of basic trust, security and ritual, with stimulation, exploration and risk. Ritual and risk form the basis of children feeling safe in the world.as well as a desire to explore it. Neuro-Dramatic-Play® enables people to become more playful and to think ‘outside the box’. It encourages people to be more independent and self-reliant. It affirms people’s identity and self-esteem, and the building of social relationships. It is an ideal approach for working with children who have been traumatised, neglected or abused. It is now available through courses and workshops for clinicians, educators and parents, who work with children, teenagers and adults.

Neuro-Dramatic-Play® has a unique influence on child development both during pregnancy and in the early months. It is essential for healthy attachments, the growth of the brain and the chemical balance of the body.

NDP influences the development of:

• Bonding and attachment
• Security and nurture
• Confidence and communication
• Empathy and resilience
• Playfulness and creativity

Neuro-Dramatic-Play® can reduce the developmental deficit suffered by many infants and children who have missed out on these early play stages.  This may be due to abuse or neglect, addiction or illness, resulting in children feeling disconnected.

Neuro-Dramatic-Play® Ltd provides easily accessible resources including Training,  Consultation, and Publications.

  • Our NDP Training Courses are now available world-wide through our online portal.

  • Participants work towards an NDP Diploma through a series of intensive courses.

  • Specific live training courses can be delivered and designed for organisations for teachers, clinicians, therapists, social workers and parents (contact us for more information).

  • We have publications: books, DVDs and free booklets.

  • Parents and practitioners may have individual consultations on-line or in person.

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