Newborn Play is about being playful with your new baby.
Playfulness can even start before your baby is born.
Before the Birth
Newborn Play is about fun and playfulness that will build healthy attachment between you and your baby and influence the development of your baby’s brain.
• Babies are responsive to our playfulness and sense our attention
• They are aware of our moods, and light and dark, chaos and calm
• They sense musical sounds, our singing and speaking voice
• Babies also recognise your voice and music and music after they are born
After the Birth
Immediately following the birth it is importance that there is skin to skin contact, that babies are not washed and cleaned too quickly.
• Messy play starts from the slippery birth!
• Rhythmic play develops from shared heartbeats
• Dramatic play begins within a few hours: Baby imitate mother’s expression
The Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill will tell you lots of information about pregnancy, birth and the early weeks: facts, examples and above all reassurance in your belief as a mother!